To be added wherever the number appears:

This week our Managing Director, Alasdair Croft  gave a presentation at the RedCAT Network Lunch.

Alasdair recounted on his time spent at COP29 and the promising future opportunities made possible by the journey to Azerbaijan. Our COP29 experience spanned across 4 days and countless events, providing a great insight into key decisions being made within our industry.

“We believe that because of the opportunities that presented themselves, we could be at a pivotal moment within AMP EV’s journey” – Alasdair Croft

Alasdair closed the presentation with a whistle stop tour of the history of AMP EV Ltd and how we are committed to supporting businesses in becoming net zero.

Thank you East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce & RedCAT for an excellent event and an opportunity to showcase what AMP EV Ltd do.